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Defining Your Offers

What do you want to be known for?

This question can be simple for some and complicated for others. When you’re multi-passionate, sometimes it’s hard to narrow down your niche.

Believe me, I KNOW.

Hobbies turn into careers, careers turn into hobbies. It can get very confusing.

Like most free spirits, we want our careers to bring us joy and sometimes we try to make our hobbies into our bread and butter… but the key significance between a career and a hobby is the financial aspect.

What brings home the bacon? What will people pay you money for that they can’t or won’t do on their own.

Can you up-level your current business by expanding your services and offerings with little effort?

Think about what takes you 2 hours and what takes someone else 20 hours. People want you to help them save time and money even if they’re capable of doing it themselves. The difference? It doesn’t bring them joy.

Please let people pay you to do something that they don’t want to do. Consider yourself a strategic investment for someone else.

PS: I'll be writing about my thoughts on strategic trades in the next post!

NICHE EXERCISE // List out everything you’re either capable of doing, things that come easy to you and things that you love to do. No task is too little for this list. Cooking, eating, breathing (meditation), teaching, swimming, strategizing, organizing, traveling, learning, yoga, fashion, meeting people, saving money, negotiating, being kind and positive.

Now edit this list by putting a 1, 2 or 3 next to each. 1 = LOVE, 2 = LIKE, 3 = OK

From here you can test out which skills can bring home the bacon and also bring you joy. If you get stuck, think about what you want to people to know about you. Think about what takes you 2 hours and what takes someone else 20 hours. People want you to help them save time and money even if they’re capable of doing it themselves. The difference? It doesn’t bring them joy.

To learn more about upleveling your business, subscribe to my mailing list and turn on my notifications to watch my #dailydownloads XO If you want to work together, visit my website and then send me a DM! All new clients get a complimentary hour with their first 1:1 booking! That’s 50% off ($250-$350 value), so save today!




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